Experimental Analysis of Persuasive Effects of Emotions on a Social Robot
We investigated the persuasive effects of emotions on a social robot through an online HRI experiment that is a web based survey on COVID-19 awareness conducted by a Nao robot.
We investigated the persuasive effects of emotions on a social robot through an online HRI experiment that is a web based survey on COVID-19 awareness conducted by a Nao robot.
Poster: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14Fl1VbI37uCxEeOArQ8z4t7JE3wgYZ1D/view?usp=sharing
Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ojonc_Nt66P3SRc4HYWXr-Ca2Csc0Fsa/view?usp=sharing