Clinical Trial Simulation

Cmpe491/492 Clinical Trial Simulation

Cmpe491/492 Clinical Trial Simulation

(with cooperation with Mehmet Yusuf of Biomedical Engineering)


Analysis of clinical trials in Wikipedia is particularly useful in following this document.

This model will create three data sets and a few statistical results as output of a clinical trial simulation.

The clinical trial will simulate comparison of two groups (parallel prospective clinical trial)



  • ·      Cross over (transfer) rates from group 1 to 2; from 2 to 1
  • ·      Lost to follow up rates separately for groups 1 and 2
  • ·      Death rates separately for groups 1 and 2
  • ·      Endpoint (cure) rates separately for groups 1 and 2
  • ·      Number of time points to simulate passage of time and randomly creating events at each point.
  • ·      Method of imputation
  • ·      Number of subjects


·      All three data sets: PP, ITT and AT

  • ·      Comparisons of two groups in all three data sets via their endpoint (cure) OR and statistical meaning tests %95 CI and Chi Squared
  • ·      Cross over (Transfer) rates realized for both groups
  • ·      Lost to follow up rates realized for both groups
  • ·      Death rates realized for both groups
  • ·      Endpoint (Cure) rates realized for both groups in all 3 data sets
  • ·      Odds Ratios of group comparisons in all 3 data sets and their 95% CI test (should not contain 1)
  • ·      Chi Squared significance test comparing endpoint frequencies of the 2 groups in all 3 data sets.