A Course Pre-Registration System for Boğaziçi University

Why do we send consent request ?


Why do we send consent request ?

Beginning of every semester, students and instructors try to complete registration schedule of the semester in three days. This situation is not a user-friendly method. People get into difficulty because of the registration system’s impracticability.

From the student point of view, the insufficient time of sending the academic program for approval and also waiting for the answer from consent requests become a tremendous problem.

On the other hand, the advisors and instructors assessments of the consent requests are not proper due to the limited time. These all situation also affect the productivity of both students and instructors at the beginning of the semester.

Our solution is:

Pre-Registration System(PRS)- is a mechanism which includes “solver” for selecting courses based on the student’s decisions and using constraints inside the solver. Our aim is also reducing the time wasting activities and maximize the productivity of the system.


Can Özturan