Design & Development of a Restricted Version of Eclipse IDE

Eclipse has earned a good reputation in the academia and the industry thanks to its flexibility.

Eclipse has earned a good reputation in the academia and the industry thanks to its flexibility. However, it has also become too complex, especially for newbees.

The task in this project is to design and develop a simplified/restricted version of Eclipse. You will not develop the IDE from scratch, but modify the open source code of Eclipse such that:

  • The code editor pane makes part of the code read-only. The programmer should be able to edit only the indicated portion of the file displayed in the editor pane.
  • The Eclipse menus are simplified for newbies.

You are also required to develop an installer that installs Eclipse, makes required modifications in the preferences, etc.

This project is designed for one student. Yet, if you want to work on the project with a teammate, we can modify the project to make it deserve a team of two students.

If you believe you can dedicate yourself to this project and make sure you can deliver a working solution by the end of the semester, contact Tuna Tuğcu (


Tuna Tuğcu