eBloc Blockchain Voting

Blockchain is a linked list of cryptographically secured blocks of information that can be maintained on a peer-to-peer network.


Blockchain is a linked list of cryptographically secured blocks of information that can be maintained on a peer-to-peer network. Its cryptographic and decentralized nature provides blockchain applications immutability, corruption & tamper proofness, security and fault tolerance which make elections an ideal application of blockchain technologies. Ethereum, a computing platform that provides a Turing-complete virtual machine on blockchain networks lets users deploy and run applications called smart contracts. We aimed to create a decentralized app (dApp) that can easily be deployed and utilized for small scale elections e.g. student council elections using the eBloc Ethereum network of Boğaziçi University. Our system inherits the aforementioned features of blockchain applications and provides an easy to use interface that lets users easily create elections, vote in elections, verify their votes and see election results.


Can Özturan