Log Analysis of Boğaziçi University Dining Halls

This project is about visualizing the log data of Boğaziçi University’s dining halls.


This project is about visualizing the log data of Boğaziçi University’s dining halls. Eating habits of the individuals change with many reasons. Several researches have been done to investigate these habits and results show that the decisions on eating can be stereotyped. People tend to eat healthy and tasty meals and for some reasons the time that they spend on eating changes time to time.

With the help of temperature and the menu data, the correlation between crowd and those data is investigated. Observing changes in the amount of people eating at the dining halls with respect to temperature and menu data are the main purpose of the project. Besides, the workload is also tried to be discussed in the project. The effect of the final exam periods of the courses that are taken in Boğaziçi University is compared to the other data and the project show the individuals’ reactions in these intensive times. In general, actions and reactions about eating in the dining halls are discussed in the project.