Chrome Extension for Spam Detection
Nowadays, spam contents in the internet could be really annoying and harmful while surfing the internet.
Nowadays, spam contents in the internet could be really annoying and harmful while surfing the internet. There are some approaches to find a solution for that problem. However, those does not focus on natural language processing approach and does not give much credit for the machine learning techniques.
In this spam detection project, I developed new way to look this problem and applied one of the important natural language processing techniques ,term frequency – inverse document frequency(tf-idf) technique, and I used a different classification model named “nearest centroid classifier” which is a classification model that assigns to observations the label of the class of training samples whose mean (centroid) is closest to the observation.
Consequently, mentioning about the main functionalities of the project, it is a chrome extension which enables all standard users to access and use the extension that makes simply spam detection for generated and third class content in html codes in the way of using different techniques (tf-idf) and bringing new approach.